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iKON's journey
"Who Is Next" or "WIN", is a survival show created by YG Ent in 2013, in order to debut one team, out of two. There were 2 teams competiting, "Team A" and "Team B". "Team A" 's members were the group "WINNER" with nam taehyun. "Team B" 's original members were hanbin, jinhwan, bobby, yunhyeong, junhoe, and donghyuk.
But unfortunately, "Team B" lost the competition. (fyi, team b's song named "climax" which they wrote it themselves, made everyone teared up when they sang it for the last performance because of how they poured their heart into this,how meaningful and sincere it is. Other idols watching them performing cried too. here's the link for you to watch
after they lost, they didn't give up and trained even harder, and harder. lots of fans felt so sad and wished them to be able to debut. A year after, in 2014, YG Ent made another survival show again, called "MIX & MATCH"
"MIX & MATCH" 's members were the original member of "Team B", with Jung Chanwoo, Jung Jinhyeong, and Yang Hongseok. "MIX & MATCH" was made in order to debut a 7 member boygroup named "iKON". Hanbin, Bobby, and Jinhwan or what we have known as the "Triple Kim", were the fixed members of iKON. While the rest of it, need to compete with the other 3 new added members, so that they can get to debut as iKON member.
This survival show was cruel, because they need to compete with each other, which they've known each other for so long with the other 3 new members. It's like competing with your own close brother. Not to mention hanbin and bobby joined "Show me the money" while needing to practice for "Mix & Match" too.
Bonds were created among the 9 members, becoming like a family. After months of working hard, training days and nights, writing songs, and practicing, they needed to perform and let the fan did the voting.
After that, "iKON" were created, consisting hanbin, jinhwan, bobby, yunhyeong, junhoe, donghyuk, and chanwoo ♡
iKON then made their debut on 15 Sept 2015.
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name : kim hanbin or B.I
birthdate : october 22nd, 1996
birthplace : gyeonggi province, south korea
position : iKON's leader, lead rapper, main dancer
loves to write and compose music
he really loves and cares for his little sister
spends days and nights working REALLY hard, wiriting and composing musics
joined smtm3 with bobby
hanbin is the most humble and genuine person ever
won song writer of the year award at 2018 Melon Music Awards
an official member of KOMCA
has LOTS of unreleased songs
really kind towards animals
afraid of insects
never dated before
listen to his songs on his soundcloud ♡

do follow his instagram, twitter, and soundcloud account by tapping the button above ♡

"the word happiness
is too vague, so i hope you guys feel that it's worth living everyday" - Kim Hanbin (2018)

name : kim jinhwan
birthdate : february 7th, 1994
birthplace : jeju, south korea
position : main vocalist and lead dancer
the oldest member in iKON
has one pretty sister
likes wine
fluent in speaking japanese
lived in philippines for a few months, years ago
baby face
has a soft heart
loves the members so so much
likes to be sexy, but is actually a baby
has a really nice vocal
likes to be called as jinani
flirty shjsh
has small fists

do follow his instagram and twitter account by tapping the button above ♡

name : kim jiwon or bobby
birthdate : december 21st, 1995
birthplace : seoul, south korea, but grew up in virginia, united states.
position : main rapper
has an older brother who is now married
he is a christian, and very religious
joined smtm3 with hanbin and is the winner of it
LOVES his winnie the pooh doll, which is just one year older than him
free spirited
fluent in speaking english
according to the members, he is the strongest
has a solo album called "Love And Fall"
sang and featured in "RISE" which is the theme song of "league of legends" and performed it at the world's finals opening ceremony
write and compose songs too
he always has his breakfast and is an early bird
his eye smile and bunny teeth will make everyone go UWUWUWUUWUWU

do follow his instagram and twitter account by tapping the button above ♡

name : song yunhyeong
birthdate : february 8th, 1995
birthplace : seoul, south korea
position : iKON's visual, and lead vocalist
has a very pretty little sister
he is a good cook, and likes to make various delicious dishes for his members
iKON's hidden leader
his family owns a bbq restaurant
takes lots of selfies
a careful planner
an angel, he's REALLY kind towards anyone
he became really really happy and excited when he received his gift from hanbin on the survival show "mix & match", which is nivea lipbalms, lots of it
has a soft heart
have a youtube channel ♡

do follow his instagram and twitter account, also subscribe to his youtube channel by tapping the button above ♡

name : koo junhoe
birthdate : march 31st, 1997
birthplace : seoul, south korea
position : Main vocalist and lead dancer
has a very beautiful older sister
own a dog
a fan of michael jackson
fluent in speaking japanese
likes and takes jiu jitsu class
seems tough but actually, he has a soft heart
very good at imitating people
likes to write and often shares his poems on his instagram
he once posted his toned abs pic on his instagram and we all went crazy like SHSJSHJSHSJSSHSHSJ

do follow his instagram and twitter account by tapping the button above ♡

name : kim donghyuk
birthdate : january 3rd, 1997
birthplace : seoul, south korea
position : main dancer and vocalist
has a pretty little sister
own a dog named obang
he was an intelligent student at school
won JYP's trainee search contest in march 2012, then on november 2012, he was recruited by YG Ent as a trainee
when donghyuk was 8, his father passed away
fluent in speaking english
his sexy thigh
produced SUrF (SUrF is a song) together with bobby
has a calming and really nice falsetto
the president of iKONICs
has iKONIC official card

do follow his instagram and twitter account by tapping the button above ♡

name : jung chanwoo
birthdate : january 26th, 1998
birthplace : gyeonggi province, south korea
position : iKON's maknae, and vocalist
maknae on top
a gamer, he likes to play games
plays pubg and fortnite
fluent in speaking english when he get drunk
he doesn't cry in front of people because he hates it when people see him cry
a baby who doesn't like tomato
FORTNITE created a skin, inspired by chanwoo himself, which is named as "iKONIK"
bobby said he's clever but sly
a bigbang fan
he is also an actor and played as the young lee minho in "boys over flowers" and "the heirs"
his childhood bestfriend is astro's moonbin
have a youtube channel ♡